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Round Toy Motor with Alligator Clips
Dive into the world of DIY projects and scientific experiments with our Round Toy Motor, designed for students and hobbyists alike. This efficient motor comes equipped with wires and alligator clips, ready to be integrated into your projects. With a versatile operating voltage of DC 1.5 V to DC 3.0 V and robust performance metrics, it's perfect for building toy cars, conducting educational experiments, or any innovative creation you imagine!
Key Features
- Compact size suitable for various projects
- High no-load speed up to 16400 rpm at 3.0 V DC
- Durable and efficient with max output of 1.16 Watt
- 16.3 g weight, ideal for lightweight constructions
- 12-inch wire with large alligator clips for easy setup
Product Specifications:
Motor Size 15 x 20 x 25 mm Shaft Length 38 mm (Exposed 7.5 - 8 mm) Voltage Range DC 1.5 V to DC 3.0 V No Load Speed Up to 16400 rpm at 3.0 V DC Max Efficiency 1.16 Watt Stall Torque 44 g.cm at 3.0 V DC
Similar Products- DIY project motor
- Compact electric motor
- High-speed toy motor
- Educational motor kit
- Small DC motor
Detail Specifications 1.5 Volt DC 3.0 Volt DC No load speed 9100 rpm 16400 rpm No load current 200 mA 230 mA Max Efficiency Speed 6990 rpm 13200 rpm Max Efficiency Current 660 mA 950 mA Max Efficiency Torque 6 g.cm 8.6 g.cm Max Efficiency Output 0.43 Watt 1.16 Watt Stall Torque 26 g.cm 44 g.cm Stall Current 2.2 Amps 3.92 Amps -
Alligator Clips, Crocodile Clips, 50-Mm Long, One Pair (Red & Black)
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